The rules for Radiant 🆁🆇🅳 Blockchain are:.

24 Nov 2022, 19:49
The rules for Radiant 🆁🆇🅳 Blockchain are: 1) - No swearing, spam, self-promotion, shilling or financial advising, advertisement, FUD, Racism or Abuse. 1a) Specifically, no political discussions! 2) - No imitation of Help, Helpdesk, Dev, Admin, Mod or similar in the username. 2a) Please take a note, if anyone contacts you claiming to be any of the officials here. We will aim to never contact people first and will encourage members to contact us. 3) - Use specific channels for chatting, sending files and problems. PMs directly to admins about support related issues may be ignored. 3a) Specifically, no trading, speculations or predictions in this group of channels! We have specific chat for such discussions. 4) - No OTC (P2P) trading. Immediate ban will follow for such proposal. Use exchanges! 5) - Moderators reserve the right to delete posts, mute or kick/ban those who continuously break the rules. 6) - Any type of begging is forbidden! /rules 👈