@everyone Yesterday we presented you our idea to make a bag with funds to make some visual changes to Radiant due to problems wi

06 Oct 2022, 20:17
@everyone Yesterday we presented you our idea to make a bag with funds to make some visual changes to Radiant due to problems with the copyright of the images. My fault for not explaining well how this money was going to be spent and the reason for choosing $5000. STAGE 1 - CHANGE LOGO Let's go step by step and not think long term, which was what we had in mind with that money. We know that trust is a difficult thing on the internet with unknown people, so our first goal will be to change the logo. The budgets only for the logo would be under** 1000$**, so we think it is a more realistic value for this now. Who will do the design? We have contacted a design company that did Kaspa's logo with a price over 1000$, but we will be open to any professional option. Once the designer is chosen and the work is done, the invoices will be shown to everyone and you will be able to check their veracity. The remaining money will be left for STAGE 2. STAGE 2 - TALK TO THE COMMUNITY Once we have the logo, we can look further and make more concrete actions in the #funding-pools-discussions section. ------------ For this change I have made a donation of 100$ and there will be only 900$ left. We are open to any questions about this and sorry for the bad communication. 🙏 LINK FOR DONATIONS